
Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature Certificate

A Digital Signature, the electronic counterpart of a physical signature, is essential for signing e-forms such as income tax returns, company incorporation, annual return filings, and e-tender submissions.

Digital signatures, serving as electronic versions of physical signatures, verify the sender's identity for electronic documents. A Certifying Authority verifies these signatures, providing the sign holder with a private key (used to encrypt their signature) and a public key (used by the receiver to verify the signature). Digital Signatures, stored in a USB E-Token, are used for online transactions like Income Tax e-Filing and Company Incorporation. Comparable to a rubber stamp, the USB e-Token connects to a computer, allowing users to sign documents electronically. The Digital Signature Certificate, issued by a Certifying Authority, generates both the public and private keys.

As e-Filing becomes mandatory in various areas, Digital Signatures have become indispensable. Register for our service to simplify the process and enjoy the convenience of a digital signature.

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Types of Digital Signature

  • Class 1: Required for email communication verification.
  • Class 2: Compulsory for Directors/Signing authorities filing documents with the ROC and for individual Income Tax e-filing.
  • Class 3: Heavily encrypted, used for online tenders/auctions across India.

Validity of Digital Signatures:

Digital Signatures are valid for one or two years, renewable upon expiry.


Documents Required for Digital Signature:
Proof of Address (not older than three months):

  • Telephone Bill/Water Bill/Electricity Bill
  • Gas Connection
  • Passport
  • Vehicle Registration Certificate
  • Aadhar Card
  • Driving License
  • Bank Statement (containing a photograph and attestation by a bank official)
  • Voter ID Card

Proof of Identity:

  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • PAN Card
  • Post Office ID Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Bank Account Passbook
  • Government ID Card

Passport-size photograph
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Registration Process:

Submission: Submit the Digital Signature application with relevant documents.

Processing: ETaxwala processes your application promptly.

Delivery: Receive your Digital Signature USB-Token at your address.

Congratulations! Your work is done.


    Q. What is the full form of DSC?

    Ans: The full form of DSC is Digital Signature Certificate.

    Q. What is DSC?

    Ans: Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is an electronic version of a physical signature certificate necessary for signing e-forms such as Income Tax filings, Company Incorporation, Annual filings, and e-tender filings.

    Q. Why is DSC required?

    Ans: DSCs are essential for signing e-forms like Income Tax filings, Company Incorporation, Annual filings, and e-tender filings.

    Q. Who issues the DSC?

    Ans: The DSC is issued by the Certifying Authority (CA). The Certifying Authority holds a license to issue a digital signature certificate under section 24 of the Indian IT Act, 2000.

    Q. Who appoints the Certification Agencies to issue DSC?

    Ans: The Controller of Certification Agencies (CCA) appoints the Certification Agencies under the provisions of the IT Act, 2000.

    Q. What is the validity period for DSCs?

    Ans: DSCs issued by certifying authorities have a validity of one or two years.

    Q. What is the legal status of a DSC?

    Ans: DSC is legally admissible in a court of law, as provided under the provisions of the IT Act, 2000.